Two Months of Church Work

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. – James 1:19

I’ve been doing a lot of listening on the bus. If you are truly open to these kind of conversations you never know what you can learn. May all of us learn from each other, and thus learn from our God who calls us to relationship.

In March and April I’ve tried to be atuned to the Holy Spirit. Whereever and whenever I feel the Spirit I lean in. I’ve been doing a lot of leaning in March and April. Some examples of my leaning…

  • Wrote personal thank you note to be included with every tax reciept.

  • two monthly staff meetings for more listening, sharing, supporting and community building.

  • Write a daily blog sharing my reflections on living a life of faith and deep relationships.

  • Once a month sharing a question with the Walk/Talk Wed group…deep conversations each time.

  • Attend and listen to the wisdom of the Adult Bible Study Group known as the Muffin Club that meets bi-weekly and is lay-led.

  • Attending the community building part (6-6:30 pm) of the Men’s Suppers. At 6:30 pm I am committed to the Education and Students Committee of Halifax Presbytery, interviewing candidates for Ministry.

  • Visiting persons who cannot get out to church, visiting people in hospital, visiting people recovering from surgery, visiting people who are gireving, visiting people going through hard times, visiting new people to Bethany, continuing to visit the households of the congregation (now up to 75% of the church). Visiting and listening and learning…

  • Visiting ISANS at the West End Mall with members of the Revelations Committee to see how Bethany can partner with organizatons that are sponsoring refugees and immigrants.

  • Leading a 13 week faith study on the large questions of faith, 35 at first session.

  • Visiting reguarly with the Rector at St. Jame’s Anglican Church Rachel Parker.

  • Co-leading Jazz Vespers with Shawn.

  • Joining 28 other Bethany sisters and brothers in the play “Finn McCool and his Fearless Wife”. Listening to other cast members…$1,400 raised for Outreach programs

  • Attended Annual General Meeting. Listening for good news, learned we had a 35% increase in givings in 2016.

  • Thanks to Board of Managers attended First Aid course, now certified for another three years. Listening to the call to heal.

  • Calling missing parishioners each Monday to see if they are OK. Listening to those who we miss.

  • Attend Muffin Club every two weeks.

    People tell me they are worried I am doing too much. Usually in the same conversation they also tell me they wish I could attend a certain upcoming meeting. Sometimes there are mixed messages J

    And that is my report. Still listening to the Spirit.


    Kevin Little, Minister