Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail


Yesterday afternoon I found one of those HRM hidden gems, the Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail. I was at the Alderney Gate Ferry and wanting to visit with an agency near the NSCC campus. My plan was to hop on the Woodside Ferry when my meeting was over. In the past I would walk through the downtown of Dartmouth to Portland Street and from there to Pleasant Street and then just kept going till I arrived in Woodside. But yesterday I noticed for the first time the markings of the Dartmouth Harbourfront Trail and off I went. For someone like me who only gets discouraged in my walks when bugs are flying around my head I felt I was in heaven.

Hot or cold weather has no effect on my walks, only bugs bother me, and this trail has such a wonderful breeze that I can walk confident that the only thing swirling around my head is sunshine and fresh air. The trail is such that you can see the water and the landscape, you can see people, you see houses and buildings, you see Dartmouth and Halifax, you see nature and yet you are walking on even pavement.

I have written numerous times that the most spiritual part of my day involves walking. This walk was no different, I felt the Spirit all around me, the voice of the Spirit was strong and I felt completely alive and in tune with all of life. I can’t overstate how wonderful I felt walking this Trail, it was truly magical, the temperature just right, the breeze felt warm and gentle, the scenery beautiful. When I arrived at my destination I was disappointed the walk was over, I felt like turning around and doing it again in reverse.

Halifax is filled with gems like this, trails all over the city that take us down pathways we might otherwise never travel. I grew up in this city and thought I knew all the pathways and trails but more and more am discovering these little surprises. I feel there is a need to lift such places to higher profile. Further, I feel there is a need for churches and other spiritual centres to offer walks like this for groups to be led to this refreshing reality.

As much as I know that my colleagues like to walk the Santiago de Compostela in Spain


I feel there are so many local walks in our midst that can equally transform our spirit. Yesterday I found one such place. I hope others get to share the same experience.