Martin Luther King Jr. Day

[Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered this speech in support of the striking sanitation workers at Mason Temple in Memphis, TN on April 3, 1968 — the day before he was assassinated.]

Thank you very kindly, my friends. As I listened to Ralph Abernathy in his eloquent and generous introduction and then thought about myself...

Different gifts, one purpose

An old friend of mine is a lifelong Episcopalian, active in his church, faithful to God, eager to share his gifts for the common good. My friend is a university professor, has written several books and has had the ear of a few Presidents. My friend has, what we sometimes refer to as “influence”. My friend’s academic research focuses on evaluating government programs designed to assist the poorest of the poor...

What we need from each other

What do you need to be happy in your work/volunteer assignment? I know many persons who need to be affirmed, need to be acknowledged, need to know someone appreciates the time, talent and tenacity of their effort. But not everyone lives for those strokes of praise. Others need to know their work is being utilized for a larger cause...What do you need to be happy in your work/volunteer assignment? I know many persons who need to be affirmed, need to be acknowledged, need to know someone appreciates the time, talent and tenacity of their effort. But not everyone lives for those strokes of praise. Others need to know their work is being utilized for a larger cause...

Following the Star

I’ve mentioned this comparison before but I want to repeat it, given the Epiphany Sunday we celebrate today. A wise friend of mine once compared how people from the eastern part of our world think/imagine and how people on the western part of our globe think/imagine. Most of us here today are creatures of western thought...