August 5, 2018

About ten years ago I was asked to attend a gathering in Toronto of United Church congregations that were experiencing significant numerical growth. I was out in the suburbs at that time and our church had begun to focus its considerable gifts and enthusiasm around the mission of outreach...

June 17, 2018

A colleague of mine spent his sabbatical time looking at Jesus’ agricultural metaphors and finding more urban appropriate examples. Let’s face it most people today either live in an urban area or are moving there. Understanding the parables, the stories, the deeper truths of Jesus can be complicated by this shift of context...

June 10, 2018

A good friend of mine recently conducted a survey of churches in his small city. He called all of the churches, big and small, all denominations, and he called late at night so no one would be in the office. My friend wanted to hear all of the voicemails, and he did...

June 3, 2018

In our lesson from Samuel, we hear about a boy called to fill the vacuum left by priests who had so thoroughly abandoned their calling that “the word of the Lord was rare in those days” (1 Sam. 3:1). The sons of Eli were blaspheming God by using their position to fleece people who were just trying to worship God...

May 13, 2018

Presbyterian pastor and writer Mark Davis offers us a menu of possibilities when it comes to the definition of “world” in John’s Gospel. We’ve all heard references to “the world” in the Gospels, moreover we’ve heard these references in sermons and everyday conversation...

April 29, 2018

Some time ago at one of the first Faith Studies I led I asked each of the small groups that gathered in a different section of the church, “What are the different denominations you have experienced in a worship service?” The responses were mostly ones you might expect...

April 22, 2018

When I was a QEH high-school student I used to travel on the bus with this student from the west end. As our senior year was drawing to a close I asked him what his plans were for the coming academic year, would he go to a Community College, go to university, join the workforce or travel...

April 15, 2018

You are witnesses of these things. Luke 24:48

I was standing by the bus stop at Scotia Square waiting for my ride back to Tantallon. I was approached by a former parishioner and we talked for some time. When the bus pulled up I was surprised he wanted the conversation to continue...

April 8, 2018

If I were to ask you to identify someone you previously knew, someone whose very presence made others “better”, who brought out the best in everyone, who embodied an energy so good you wanted to be with her/him every opportunity you could, who would that be? Let me hasten to add this...

April 1, 2018

Resurrection is a complex, mysterious, and head-scratching word. What does it mean? When ministers like me stand up in the church and proclaim that we believe in Jesus’ resurrection from the grave, that Good Friday was not the final word, that Jesus has “returned” to God and together they form a partnership that knows no end, what exactly are we getting at...

March 25, 2018

I have referenced in previous sermons that my late mother was leader of the Halifax Civic Majorettes. For anyone under the age of 50 that fact will mean nothing, the term “majorette” is about as common as shoveling coal into your home or separate schools and hospitals for different church denominations...

March 18, 2018

This Lenten season I feel like every sermon has begun with a story about a visit I shared with someone at a coffee shop. So not to disappoint you…here we go again. In another city, at another time, I met a man who had attended the church I served for some time...

March 11, 2018

Some years ago I met a man who identified himself as a born again Christian, someone saved by Jesus, born from above to a new life. He was a friend of a parishioner and accepted her invitation to worship with her at a place and with people who gave her a sense of mission, community and compassion...

March 4, 2018

Some of you know that Lucy has started her first job, working at Lawton’s in the Professional Centre. She is really enjoying it. I would like to think Kim and I have each enhanced her skill-set with our own unique personality. Lucy doesn’t take everything personally, a good asset when working in custom service...

February 18, 2018

Some of you are aware that I served a congregation in the eastern part of Toronto and worked primarily with the church’s outreach programs. The signature ministry then was the Out of the Cold Program, our church hosted all of the homeless persons in the east end of the city every Friday night...

February 11, 2018

As I inch closer to retirement I am keeping only a small fraction of the books I formerly owned. One of those special books I keep on my shelf is Robert Bellah’s Habits of the Heart. The title is from Alexis de Tocqueville who, writing about us in Democracy in America from 1835 to 1839...