November 4, 2018

When Kim and I sold our home in Toronto the realtor sent a “stager” to visit us and offer suggestions on how to make our house more attractive to potential buyers. Among the suggestions was to remove all family pictures and replace them with mirrors. I asked why. The stager explained that buyers want to imagine themselves living in the house...

October 21, 2018

October is Volunteer Appreciation Month at Bethany and thus I ask each of you this morning to consider the reasons you volunteer, at Bethany, elsewhere, wherever you offer your labour without cost. I have spent a lifetime being around non-profits, churches, minor sports, and talking to people who offer their best selves for the organization and its mission…

October 14, 2018

One question I am asked repeatedly will not surprise you, “Kevin, why is it that more conservative churches seem to be growing, or at the very least maintaining their relative size and enthusiasm, while more progressive or liberal churches seem to be in decline?” Have you heard this question? My hunch is that you have...

October 7, 2018

As you have heard me say many times I always read Luke’s story about a host and his guests at weddings where I am the presider. I do this for rather predicable reasons, I want the couple to make room in their lives for others, that in a bond of love the openness to others is a profound and added blessing to any spirit-filled life...

September 30, 2018

In our Gospel story this morning Jesus is confronting his disciples on the question of a “stumbling block”. That is Jesus tells his followers they must run a race and that race leads to a prize and the prize is salvation. Now some of you will hear that word, salvation and feel like you know exactly what Jesus means…

September 16, 2018

Jesus asked his disciples, “And you—what are you saying about me? Who am I?” Peter gave the answer: “You are the Christ, the Messiah.” He then began explaining things to them: “It is necessary that the Son of Man proceed to an ordeal of suffering, be tried and found guilty by the elders, high priests, and religion scholars, be killed, and after three days rise up alive...

September 9, 2018

Sandra Hack Polaski, Professor of New Testament at Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Virginia, shares this insight about our James reading this morning, “Nearly every one of us who sits on a platform or in a choir loft during the worship service has at some point seen a stranger entering the service late...

August 5, 2018

About ten years ago I was asked to attend a gathering in Toronto of United Church congregations that were experiencing significant numerical growth. I was out in the suburbs at that time and our church had begun to focus its considerable gifts and enthusiasm around the mission of outreach...

June 17, 2018

A colleague of mine spent his sabbatical time looking at Jesus’ agricultural metaphors and finding more urban appropriate examples. Let’s face it most people today either live in an urban area or are moving there. Understanding the parables, the stories, the deeper truths of Jesus can be complicated by this shift of context...

June 10, 2018

A good friend of mine recently conducted a survey of churches in his small city. He called all of the churches, big and small, all denominations, and he called late at night so no one would be in the office. My friend wanted to hear all of the voicemails, and he did...

June 3, 2018

In our lesson from Samuel, we hear about a boy called to fill the vacuum left by priests who had so thoroughly abandoned their calling that “the word of the Lord was rare in those days” (1 Sam. 3:1). The sons of Eli were blaspheming God by using their position to fleece people who were just trying to worship God...

May 13, 2018

Presbyterian pastor and writer Mark Davis offers us a menu of possibilities when it comes to the definition of “world” in John’s Gospel. We’ve all heard references to “the world” in the Gospels, moreover we’ve heard these references in sermons and everyday conversation...

April 29, 2018

Some time ago at one of the first Faith Studies I led I asked each of the small groups that gathered in a different section of the church, “What are the different denominations you have experienced in a worship service?” The responses were mostly ones you might expect...

April 22, 2018

When I was a QEH high-school student I used to travel on the bus with this student from the west end. As our senior year was drawing to a close I asked him what his plans were for the coming academic year, would he go to a Community College, go to university, join the workforce or travel...

April 15, 2018

You are witnesses of these things. Luke 24:48

I was standing by the bus stop at Scotia Square waiting for my ride back to Tantallon. I was approached by a former parishioner and we talked for some time. When the bus pulled up I was surprised he wanted the conversation to continue...