church notices

Karen Finley sent me this story that appeared in the Halifax Herald. It reminded me of the quote, “If your church were to disappear tomorrow, would anyone in the community around you notice it was gone?” (Timothy Keller). Here are two examples of “they would notice” answers.

Bargain Bonanza Update: We need folks to organize specific sections of the Bonanza on May 25th. The tables arrive Tuesday, May 21st. We can start setting-up Wednesday, May 22nd. We need people to look after individual sections of the Bonanza, setting up and pricing items to be ready for the 25th!  Please sign up on sheets on the bulletin board outside the sanctuary or contact me (Louisa). The Barbecue needs one large grill or two small grills to cook hot dogs and sausages that day. Please let me know if you’re able to help us out with the loan of a grill. The sign-up sheet for the barbecue is on the bulletin board if you’d like to join the cooking crew that day. Thank you for your continued support for this event and our Sunday School! Contact me at

April 28th is Camping Sunday. Maybe you can recall your own memories and experiences of church camping. The ARTHUR KIDSTON MEMORIAL CAMP provides a safe and happy summer camping experience to kids aged 5 to 16 where they can explore their unique talents through opportunities to unplug and connect with friends, outdoor adventures, and faith exploration. This cannot happen without your generosity. There are many ways to share your gifts and skills: Donate via our Canada Helps page, Join Lawton's/Sobey's MHCSI Pharmacy Program. Donate program supplies. Another way you can consider lending a hand is by becoming a “Camper Sponsor.” At Kidston, we believe no child should miss out, just because of financial concerns. Thanks to the generosity of our community members, volunteers, and donors, Kidston’s Sponsorship Fund offers a helping hand to campers and families who otherwise might not be able to come to camp. We ask families contribute what they can toward their camper’s fees, we work with our donors to cover the rest. Should you have any questions, please email On Sunday, we have a “CAMPING POT" out to collect loose change/cash to be directed to this fund supported by our Local Outreach Committee. Please give as you are able.